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Pelican Changelog
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We’re continually improving Pelican. The following changes are listed by the date we completed each change.
2.0.0 - 01 May 2023
- Bootstrap 5. Bootstrap updated from version 4 to version 5. Pelican 2 is based upon Bootstrap 5.2 but Pelican 1 is based upon Bootstrap 4.6. This major change in Bootstrap version required some things to be refactored in the code to accommodate this. See the Migration Guide for details about how this affects projects built upon Pelican 1 (Bootstrap 4.6).
- CSS Variables. Easier code theming for dependent projects. Bootstrap 5 introduces the use of CSS variables to enable better theming flexibility. Be sure to tell your developer.
- Figma Features. Pelican’s Figma library gets some refreshes. Figma updates its capabilities and workflows regularly. To keep the Pelican Mockups 2 Library fresh, we will be updating components to stay current with Figma.